How to create a bucket in AWS & how to host a static website on AWS S3.

Ajay Dhangar
3 min readNov 25, 2022



a. Cloud storage
b. Unlimited
c. Pay-for-what-you-use

a. Create a bucket.
b. Enable static website hosting.
c. Set bucket policy.

d. Test our website.

STEP-1 :-

Go to the AWS management console_

STEP -2:-

Create a bucket

STEP -3:-

Give a unique bucket name

STEP 4:-

Public your bucket gives the permission

STEP 5:-

Click on create a bucket

STEP 6:-

Fill the bucket with your HTML file or website

STEP 7:-

Go to the static website option and Enable this

STEP 8:-

Fill in the index document & Error document

STEP 9:-

Save the changes

& see this type of page

& see this type of page

STEP 10:-

Create a bucket policy.
& Edit bucket policy_

STEP 11:-

You see this type of page

STEP 12:-

I have a bucket policy So,
Copied from my notepad &
Pest the policy_

STEP 13:-

Save the changes

STEP 14:-

So, your website is finally public

STEP 15:-

Click on Upload

STEP 16:-

Click on Add files

STEP 17:-

Choose your Html file for your PC

STEP 18:-

You just upload it_

STEP 19:-

This is now successful_

STEP 20:-

You see our website files on S3

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

I hope you understand very easily, I give you my best.


- Thank you -



Ajay Dhangar

Hello, my name is Ajay Dhangar I’m a web developer with extensive experience for over 4 years. My expertise is to create and website design and more…